Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hoya Update

In my post of April 17, entitled "Six out of Seven," I shared photographs of a series of Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' bloom spurs, each closer to flowering than the next. Several of those spurs are now in full bloom, so I thought I'd post another couple of pictures:

Two spurs in full bloom can be seen in this picture, with another in bud near the rim of the pot.

Closer shot of the flowers

None of my other Hoya plants are anywhere near blooming-size, but I'm looking forward to them flowering in the next few years.


  1. I love Hoya. They are just so nice and distinct looking.

  2. What exactly is the blooming size? I inherited several of these plants from a Polish artist friend who had to leave the country. I love their leaves, and let them live outside during the summer, but no blooms yet. Two of the plants are quite small still, but one is large and drapes down. Any thoughts?

  3. I've heard that Hoyas don't bloom until the vines are three feet long, but I have no idea if that is true. I will say that that is about how long my longest vine was when mine first bloomed two years ago. (I keep them twined around supports.) It was also about 3 years old (I bought it as a very small plant in a 2.5 inch pot, obviously fairly recently rooted.)

  4. Oh, I adore Hoyas! Those thick waxy leaves are just devine! I may have to try another one...a really huge plant...when I find one. I like the ones with variegated leaves!!! Oh and the curly leaf ones, oh and the solid green leaves, and oh yeah...the long leaf ones too! Hee hee hee...
