Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Field Trip: Chicago Botanic Gardens 4/28/10, Part 2

If you like tulips, the Chicago Botanic Garden is a good place to be in late April/early May. Here are just a few of the many that I saw last Wednesday.

Field of brightly colored Tulipa varieties that greet you as you enter the Gardens from the Visitors' Center. Click this, and all of the following pictures, for a larger view.

From the Sensory Garden:

The sign says it all

Tulipa 'Rococo' up close

Tulipa 'Mon Amour' looking pretty with blue companions

From the Bulb Garden:

I missed getting an ID for these

Tulipa 'Sensual Touch'

The red doubles in this picture are Tulipa 'Miranda'

Tulipa 'Yellow Spider'

Part 3, which will include pictures of some more unusual spring flowering plants and bulbs, will conclude the series of posts from this visit.

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