Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Need a Little Summer--Right This Very Minute

I am not a winter kind of gal. In fact, I hate the season with a passion. I hate the cold, I hate the dark, I hate the ice, I hate the snow. And it did snow here today, just a little. So, in the fine spirit of seasonal denial, I'm going to share some more pictures from the Chicago Botanic Gardens, and pretend that it is July, or August, when these pictures were taken.

From the Sensory Garden: Sedums and Kalanchoes in the foreground, Celosia, Tagetes (Marigolds), and Tibouchina in the background.

Close-up of Kalanchoe thyrsiflora from the plantings pictured above

From the Bulb Garden: Dahlia cv.

Nymphaea from I'm not sure where. (There are waterlilies in different places in the gardens, and I forgot where I took this particular shot.)

From the Tropical Greenhouse: Orchids and other Epiphytes

A pergola near the Enabling Garden

And as I've written previously, I always stop by and say hello to the ducks. Apparently, being well-groomed is quite important to them.

As always, click the pictures to see larger versions.

1 comment:

Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)