Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hippeastrum for the Holidays (or Not)

Okay, I'm better now. (Not really; I'll be teetering on the brink of despair until April, but I must soldier on.) How about something a little more seasonal:

Hippeastrum 'Benfica' flower bud. I actually still have a tag for this one. What can I say; it's new.

It is my first "Amaryllis" bud of the season. Actually, this plant could be the only one that blooms anywhere close to the holiday season. For the past couple of years, I haven't been forcing my Hippeastrum bulbs. They are in the coolish basement, true, but I haven't cut back their foliage, or placed them in the dark. I have skipped this because I noticed that the bulbs were getting progressively smaller. I hoped that a couple of years of holding on to as many leaves as possible, year-round, would help them store up energy.

Without forcing, many of them bloomed in spring last year, in April and May. I don't mind this at all; I'll take those beautiful flowers at any time. A few didn't bloom at all. That's fine, as I assume they will eventually, when the bulbs have been replenished.

I'll be sure to post pictures of H. 'Benfica' when it blooms. It'll be a dark red. I have another of these, and when it bloomed, it was stunning.

And to anyone who is wondering, given my post yesterday, and my opening sentences today: I don't have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I'm pretty much my usual self, mood-wise, during the winter. I just really hate winter weather.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same "problem" with Hippeastrums... and I end up buying more bulbs each year so as to have at least one bloom during the winter.
    And every year, I forget to stop watering them in time to give them a long enough dormancy time. And then there are those that are so "starved" they've shrunk to plum size.


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)