Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Aloes

As a follow-up to my last post, I thought I'd share a few more pictures of my Aloes. One thing I noticed, and am mildly embarrassed about, is that I don't have positive IDs for quite a few of my plants, beyond being sure that they are Aloes. This works out okay in caring for them, but seems, well, somewhat lacking if I am going to write about them.

Aloe variegata

Possibly Aloe 'Dapple Green'

Aloe brevifolia

Maybe Aloe bellatula, maybe not

Aloe striata. This isn't a plant with offsets, but rather three individuals potted together.

Small Aloe juvenna, grown from offsets of my larger plant (not pictured)

NoId Aloe, with very sharp teeth

This one looks like it could be Aloe 'Doran Black' but I am uncertain.

Aloe greenii x linneata. I had another of these, and it was a bit different looking, with larger spots. That one developed unsightly black depressions on the leaves, so I tossed it.

I think this is Aloe saponaria. I think that because I know I bought an A. saponaria a few years ago, and I know that I didn't get rid of it. Since I don't have anything else that could possibly be A. saponaria, by process of elimination, this must be it. I post this as a cautionary tale: Don't lose those tags boys and girls!


Diane said...

I have something that claims to be Aloe squarrosa. It's cute and grows way faster than I expected it to. I can definitely see the appeal of collecting them!

Sujata said...

Hello Karen. I enjoy reading your blog. Great Collection!

CelticRose said...

Don't sweat the noids. Cacti and other succulents are notorious for being difficult to identify. Not only is there disagreement among the scientific community about what to call a particular plant, but nurseries often don't pay attention to hybridization. Stick a couple of similar succulents together and you're likely to end with babies of unknown parentage.

mr_subjunctive said...

That's weird. I wrote a comment the day you put this up but it apparently didn't go through.

The plant you've got labeled 'Doran Black' looks a lot like the one I've been calling 'Dapple Green.' I'll have to look at whether 'Dapple Green' is supposed to have marginal teeth or not.

Aloe striata is a really nice plant. Mine hasn't been getting enough light to keep the coral leaf edges, but it's still gotten nice and big.

Your NOID with very sharp teeth looks more or less exactly like one that's been talking to me when I go in to the ex-job. They don't know what it is either. So far, I've managed to avoid buying one, but it's probably only a matter of time.

I'm also pretty sure you're right about the A. saponaria ID. Your plant looks just like mine except that mine is lighter-colored (probably from not getting enough sun).

mr_subjunctive said...

I think you're right; mine's probably 'Doran Black.'