Thursday, April 5, 2018

Signs of Spring

It has been a cold, dreary beginning of April, and the weather report suggests that there is no relief in sight.  But cold or not, snow or not, nature is giving tiny glimpses of what is to come.

Iris reticulata cultivar
Another Iris reticulata

Of course, my houseplants can usually be counted on to help chase away the "where the heck is spring already?" blues. Below are a few plants in bloom that make a cheery contrast with the grayness outdoors.

Phalaenopsis Bella TN324 (That's what the tag says)
Columnea variety
Ludisia discolor in bloom, along with the Phalaenopsis from the photo above
Hoya carnosa inflorescence
Hippeastrum 'Red Lion' with a NoId Hippeastrum on the left
Anthurium NoId
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

So where the heck is spring already?

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Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)