Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here's to New Growth in the New Year!

In the 1930s, upon her return to her book review column in the New Yorker after a two-year absence, Dorothy Parker wrote: "Maybe you think I was just out in the ladies' room all this time, but there isn't a word of truth in it."  She was in Switzerland, as she put it, "Getting Away from it all...coupled with a wistful dream of Trying to Forget."

Well, I don't have the excuse that I was touring Europe.  Even though I was metaphorically running away from it all, trying to forget, I was right here, among the leaves, as usual.  I was just lacking the motivation to write.  I've written previously that I struggle with depression, and that it has taken a toll on my feelings towards my plants.  For a long while, I just wasn't experiencing any joy in caring for my plants, and the feeling of deep connection I have had with them seemed lost.

Well, I'm back for another try. If anyone is still out there, and interested, I'm thrilled to have you reading my blog.  If not, I understand.  I've come to realize that blogging can be something I do for myself.

Anyway, something exciting has happened here among the leaves:

The beginning
Step 2

Foolishly, I didn't think to photograph Steps 3 through 1,000,000, but here is the final result:

My brand new sunroom!

I've been wanting a sunroom for my plants since I moved here almost ten years ago, but we didn't have the wherewithal to do it until recently.  I think part of the reason I became disenchanted with caring for my plants was that it was so hard to do so, with them all crammed into every available window and shelf space in the house each fall and winter. Now with the additional space, I can see and appreciate every individual plant, and check on them more easily.

Some pictures of the interior from various angles:

Most of these pictures are only from a few days ago, and I've already been changing things.  I'm hoping these changes with give me lots to write about.


  1. I never gave up hope. Glad you're okay.

  2. Thank you, Mr_S. Now that I'm no longer ashamed of myself for not blogging, I'll be visiting and commenting at your place more often.

  3. Karen! So glad to see you!!! Your new room is spectacular!!! Your plants look so happy, and I am sure you are too!!! They will be so fun now to observe, water, trim, and play with!!! They are our little pets, right??? Hehehe. Thanks for showing your new sunroom, and I just have to say I am a wee bit jealous!!! ;)

  4. Been through that. It sucks but it will slowly get better.
    Can I have your sunroom? Thanks!

  5. Oh - how nice to see you're back to blogging!

    And, yeah, more sunroom jealousy here! ;)


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)