Saturday, January 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, January 2011

Once again, I am joining the garden blogging community in celebrating Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'm pleasantly surprised to have several plants blooming this week. First of all, I'm thrilled that at least two of my Hibiscus rosa-sinensis plants have bounced back sufficiently from their white-fly infestations to grace me with flowers. (If this is their swan song before their insect-induced demise, I don't want to know about it.)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis with a peach-colored double flower

Another tropical Hibiscus, this one a single-flowered yellow

Also in flower are the two NoID Phalaenopsis which surprised me by putting out new buds on old stalks, which I originally wrote about on November 27.

Yellow NoId Phalaenopsis, which has been in bloom since November

Two views of a multicolored NoId Phalaenopsis flower, which just opened this week. When clicked for a larger view, the second pic really shows off the sparkly petals.

Hippeastrum 'Lilian' is blooming for the third time. You can see the remains of the second flowering on the left. I must get around to cutting that off.

Besides the Mystery Echeveria which I wrote about in my most recent post, the only succulent currently in bloom is this Euphorbia milii:

Euphorbia milii, also known as Crown-of-Thorns. There are two different plants in this pot. The multicolored yellow flowers belong to the plant with the longer, paler leaves; the pink/peach flowers belong to the plant with the darker, more oval leaves.

Apparently, the color theme for January is yellow, peach and pink. Nice, cheery colors for a not-so-nice, dreary month.


  1. No blooms outside with deep snow cover, and none inside either, but I really enjoyed seeing your contribution to GBBD.

  2. I absolutely adore your Orchid blooms, especially the second sparkly one!

  3. I really like that bright yellow Hibiscus cultivar...I wish those were more common.

  4. Pretty blooms. I too have orchids that bloom on old stems. Is that unusual?

  5. Nice. You have a lot of pretty blooms to cheer through the winter. Fortunately, one was blooming in my garden although a bit tattered ;)

  6. Very nice brightly colored blooms girl! Strange things are happening in the garage. I need to water some stuff and maybe take some pics. It's way to cold to take things out but some things are wanting to bloom!


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