Thursday, December 16, 2010

Taking a Break: December 17-30

If you are a regular visitor to Life Among the Leaves, you have probably noticed that my posts have been sporadic lately. I haven't lost interest in plants (that would be the day!) or blogging, but I've been finding it difficult to come up with interesting things to write about. Since I'm the self-conscious type, this lapse of the imagination has come with more than a little anxiety. "Oh my! Oh dear! Oh no! I haven't posted in a week! Must find something--anything-- to write about!" And everyone knows, what the Holiday Season doesn't need is extra anxiety.

So rather than not posting, and wringing my hands over it, I am giving myself permission to take a little break. I want to thank everyone who does read LATL on a regular basis, or even just every now and then. It really means a lot to me.

So I'll be back posting in two weeks. In the meantime here are some photos of what's blooming, or getting ready to bloom, today:

Recently purchased Schlumbergera

Hippeastrum 'Lilian' put up a second bloom stalk. There are six flowers this time!

The new branch on my NoId Phalaenopsis, which I posted about on November 27, is indeed producing flower buds.

And yes, I did put the long suffering Hippeastrum 'Nilona' in a proper pot.

Wishing the joy and happiness of the season to everyone who celebrates a holiday this time of year. Wishing joy and happiness and peace on earth to everyone, no matter what.

See you on the 30th!


  1. Right back to you and your family, Karen!

  2. Enjoy your break, and the holiday season, Karen!

  3. I feel the same! Enjoy your break and can't wait to see what's up in the new year! Happy Holidays!

  4. I love the Hippeastrum 'Lilian'...So much more delicate then the more common varieties. Have a wonderful "break" and happy holidays!


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)