Thursday, November 4, 2010

From the CBG, September and October 2010

Although it is open all year round, I tend not to visit the Chicago Botanic Garden from late fall until the early spring. For one, it is more than an hour's drive away from my home, and I don't care much for driving, even in the best of weather. (As anyone who has experienced one knows, Chicagoland winters do not fall into the category of "the best of weather.")

So these will probably be my last photographs from the CBG for a while.

Views from the Arid Greenhouse, which has been looking very nice lately. They have been sprucing the place up and adding new plants in the last several months.

Here is one of the new plants. The tag reads: Kalanchoe thryrisifolia 'Fantastic.' I really like the white variegation.

On to the Tropical Greenhouse. I have to admit, I'm not a big Cordyline fan. I like pink plants, I like purple plants. But something about the coloration of many of the Cordyline fruticosa varieties I've seen just seems discordant to my eyes. Not this one:

Cordyline fruticosa 'Bolero Bicolor.' This just about took my breath away.

I also like this one. Unfortunately I couldn't fine the identification tag, but I definitely recognize it as a Cordyline.

On to the outdoors. I like Dahlia flowers a lot, but I seldom plant any in my garden, because they seem to be earwig magnets. But I like admiring them elsewhere, and I thought this was both unusual and beautiful:

Dahlia 'Juul's Allstar.' I love the curled petals.

I often end my CBG posts with a picture of some of the ducks that frequent the water garden areas. Here is a something a bit bigger:

Trumpeter swan, (Cygnus buccinator.) The Garden has two pair of these, who apparently live there year round.

This picture is an example of the magic of both zooming and cropping. Though I wasn't very far away, this close would have been too close for comfort. I like my wildlife, especially really large, potentially foul-tempered fowl, at a bit of a distance.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I like ti plants myself, especially the ones with lime or chartreuse and pink coloration. I'll have to keep an eye out for those two varieties, since I grow them outside here. They either gut dug up and replanted in spring, or I leave them in the ground and let them die back. Its not chicago, but 20 degrees is still pretty cold for tropicals!

  2. Wow! I don't think we have anything like that around's probably a good thing too! That little Kalanchoe is too looks a bit like my Flapjack only varigated...I think I need one!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Very nice pictures! I love the second Cordyline fruticosa variety.

  5. Great pictures. I especially love the first shot. I've rarely seen succulent plantings that look so full and lush, that has to be one of the best I've seen, and all the colours and textures work very well together too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a wonderful place! Can you tell me what kind of beautiful red flowering plants they have planted among those cactus? Next spring I am thinking of planting some color in between my cactus. This would be perfect.

    I also love that beautiful variegated kalanchoe. So gorgeous. All of your pictures are great!

  7. @Candy: Those are Euphorbia milii, aka Crown of Thorns. I didn't get a look at the tag, but they could be one of the Thai hybrids, which are more compact, and flower more freely.

  8. Thanks Karen! Bummer though because my planters get hot hot sun in the summer and I don't think these would do good there!

    I think they would work in a couple of other planter where I get some shade though.

    I wonder how the bugs like them?

  9. Oh' I really love this Dahlia, so amazing and its color are so vivid. I want to have like that in my garden. Thanks for sharing.


  10. Every one knows that the life among the leaves is far better in any of the seasons. These are my last photographs from the CBG for a while.


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