Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wistful at the Window

Peppermint, the mighty hunter turned indoor kitty, surveys his former domain, and plots his triumphant return. (Oh yeah, there are plants in the pictures too, most notably Strelitzia reginae and Epipremnum aureum on the inside, with Strobilanthes dyerianus and Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' on the outside.)

Photographs courtesy of my husband, Bob.


  1. Windows are an absolute must for it!:)

  2. I see your blog, you really like houseplants.

    But, (unfortunely or not...) all the tropical and subtropical species must grow inside the houses in northern USA. I think that the only part of USA you grow this species outside is Southern tip of Florida. My friend went last year to Florida and Georgia, and she said me the climate in Florida is the same to Southeastern Brazil and Georgia seems like southern Brazil.

    If you one day visit my city in Brazil (Vitória - State of Espírito Santo) you will like so much the plants and flowers, like the orchides, is very common here, has 700 native species in the Atlantic Rain Forest. I suggest you visit the Melo Leitão Museum and Augusto Ruschi Reserve in Santa Tereza (85 km from Vitória) and The Kaustky Institute in Domingos Martins (45 km from Vitoria).

    Visit this sites:

    I hope you like my suggestions.


    Vitória - Brazil

  3. What adorable pictures! :)

  4. OMG! Adorable!!! What a lovely scene outside! Love your flooring BTW, also!!!

    All I can say is "Go, kitty, Go"!!!

  5. That kitty is so cute the way it's sitting there! Longing for the old days! LOL

  6. Hello from New Zealand. I am in love with the green pot in the kitty photo! Any leads where to find one like that? Thanks!


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