Monday, September 20, 2010

Late Bloomers

Well, I totally let this month's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day (September 15) get by me. But in in the spirit of "better late than never" I'd like to share what's in flower, indoors and out, anyway.

I'm surprised that my Asclepias tuberosa is still blooming intermittently; last year it was done in mid-August, if I recall correctly.

Asclepias seed pods with a pair of Oncopeltus fasciatus, Large Milkweed Bug.

I was able to rejuvenate one of my Rudbeckia hirta plants by cutting off the spent blossoms, causing a bit of late-season back budding. In the background are some weedy wild Asters. I allow several these to stay in my garden because they make nice filler plants in the fall.

Clematis ternifolia or Sweet Autumn Clematis. Believe it or not, there is actually a trellis under that mound of flowers and foliage. I planted both Clematis 'Jackmanii' and the C. ternifolia at the base of my trellises, so I get two season of bloom, with the former flowering in June, and the latter in late August through September.

View with both trellises. The C. ternifolia vines actually trail across the Buddleia planted between them.

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, (aka Aster novae-angliae or New England Aster). This beautiful plant came up out of nowhere in my garden last year. I have never planted a New England Aster, as I almost never see them for sale around here. So I have no idea where it came from. The nurseries usually carry numerous cultivars of Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (New York Aster.)

Same plant, closer....

And closer still.

I'm still getting a few flowers on my Hibiscus moscheutos

It's life among the weeds in my backyard. This volunteer morning glory (Ipomoea species) came up a few feet from the planter box where I had grown morning glories last year.

Pelargonium behind my Sansevieria hallii. The new Sans leaf that emerged this spring (second from the right) is now the largest on the plant.

Crassula caput minima

Sansevieria ballyii, the only plant actually blooming inside right now

I will try to remember next month's Bloom Day, which coincides with the average first frost day around here, and hope that I will have something still blooming to share.


  1. I know this is going to sound like a really odd question, but does the Crassula caput minima smell like horse manure? It looks like something I had and subsequently killed, and I swear it smelled like horse manure. I never knew what it was, but I will find another one...want to know if I have the name right!

  2. I just went outside and stuck my nose right in the plant. It really doesn't smell like much of anything. Definitely nothing like manure. I'll give it another whiff tomorrow (it's almost 11PM as I write this) to see if it is any difference during the day.

  3. I went out yesterday and saw one of my crassula blooming too. I will go take pictures tomorrow. Love all the great shots. I am not sure I have that crassula. If I do I'm gonna smell um!

  4. Daytime verdict: It has a slight gamey odor. But I still had to hold the plant up to my face and stick my nose right in to detect it at all.

  5. Of Scents Stinky and Sublime...

    IIRC, some Crassulas, as Mandy asked about and Karen noted, can be quite odiferous.

    OTOH, how's the fragrance of the S. ballyii? Overpoweringly sweet?

    Thanks for sharing the plant pics! Something to look forward to when my garden's plants decide to flower.

  6. Jeff: The S. ballyii flower isn't as cloying as some of the species.

  7. Hi "Crazy Plant Lady",
    Thank you for your luxurious blog that has helped me identify some plants whose name I couldn't find.


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)