Monday, July 19, 2010

A Place in the Sun

This weekend, I finally managed to get all of my succulents moved outside. It's only taken two whole months. Everything that I think will benefit from being in my full-sun backyard is out there now. My Euphorbias (except for E. milii) and my species Sansevierias remain on the morning-sun-only front porch. For one thing, I like having a few succulents there, for another, my Euphorbia lactea plants seem to sunburn easily. And the Sans seem perfectly content, though a couple of them may get a taste of the backyard life before the summer is over. Anyway, here is roughly 90% of my succulent collection, enjoying their place in the sun. This set of four photos are all much better when clicked for a larger view.

Starting from the left of my back door: A picnic table full of plants

Moving right, a table made for me by my husband, and a wire rack, both full. If you look closely at the door you can see Luke and Peppermint hoping for a chance to come outside. (Yes, I gave in.)

Farthest to the right, a mini-baker's rack, and a few extra plants on the stoop.

And out in the middle of the yard, another picnic table. This contains both plants and empty terracotta pots, since I've been using it as a potting bench.

I'll be posting more on some of the plants in the pictures during the coming week.


  1. WOWZWERS, Karen, what a beautiful collection! I know how much work that is moving them all. Congrats!!!

  2. OMGoodness! You have succulent nursery in your backyard! That looks like a ton of work (I know!). Very cool!

  3. Karen,

    I agree with the two ladies - such a lot of work and it shows since they're so happy.


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