Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh, Mr. Grant!

I have a confession to make. Occasionally, some of my plants get a bit neglected. One of those plants is my Epiphyllum 'David W. Grant.' During the fall/winter, it hangs in the spare room where we keep our cats' litter boxes, a room where I am disinclined to spend a lot of extra time. So I occasionally forget to water it. Not only that, the room has only a north window, which is not an ideal situation for an Epi. It is a bright room though, and it does get additional light reflected off of the off-white siding of the house next-door.

And how does Mr. Grant reward me for the neglect and less than ideal conditions? Like this:

Leaf with several flower buds

Epiphyllum 'David W. Grant' whole plant, showing the leaves a bit worse for wear. I moved it into the kitchen to photograph.

I've counted 12 flower/buds in various stages of maturity. And how will I reward Mr. Grant? With a summer outdoors, where it will get plenty of light, humidity and rain.


  1. Stunning flowers! I love Epiphyllum cacti; my grandmother used to have an enormous one which would put out dozens of huge magenta flowers dripping with nectar.

  2. Pretty! I'm jealous! ;)

    Also, I now finally know what it is that I photographed in the Munich botanical gardens two years ago.

  3. Beautiful red blooms on this one. Mine is pink!


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)