Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Field trip: Lincoln Park Conservatory

On Saturday May 1, as part of our day-before-our-anniversary celebration, Bob I and visited the Lincoln Park Conservatory and the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, before taking in a play. Here is a selection of pictures from the Conservatory.

From the Palm House: Piper crocatum (or P. ornatum--not sure which) climbing a Pandanus veitchii

From the Palm House: Anthurium clarinervium

From the Fern Room

From the Orchid House: Orchids and Bromeliads just hanging around

From the Orchid House: Maxillaria tenuifolia

From the Show House: Hydrangea, part of a temperate garden display

Also from the Show House: You know I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get a picture of an unusual Hedera helix variety. Love that yellow.

Your blogger and her husband, exhausted after a full day ;-)

Why yes, I am the Queen of the Jungle. You want to make something of it?


  1. I love the fern room! Great pics :)

  2. Nice pictures - I love the Maxillaria tenuifolia! The Lincoln Park Conservatory is definitely on my list of things to see the next time I make it to Chicago.

  3. @Megan: Thank you.

    @College Gardener: The Garfield Park Conservatory is also a great place to visit.



Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)