Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This and That

It was a lovely day here among the leaves, and I spent most of it outdoors, cleaning up my garden. Sometimes it is hard to focus on house plants this time of year. But there are some goings-on to report.

Some of the flowers have opened on the Noid Mammillaria I wrote about in my last post, and they are lovely. The pink color was washed out a bit by the flash; it is deeper and richer than in the photograph.

I've tentatively ID'd this as Mammillaira zeilmanniana, but that could change. In the meantime, I've nicknamed it Captain Hook.

I decided to make a new Haworthia bowl using the Haworthia attenuata and NoId Haworthia I purchased last weekend.

The third plant is an Haworthia tessellata. I wish I'd have noticed the bits of gravel between its leaves before I took the picture. D'oh!

Last but not least, the buds on the plant that I had tentatively ID'd as Mammillaria spinosissima 'Un Pico' have opened. Again, the photo doesn't do justice to the pink of the flowers.

Mammillaria spinosissima 'Un Pico,' I believe

Despite the length of the spines, this plant is not nearly as treacherous as "Captain Hook."


Sorry about adding the word verification, but there are only so many spam posts a girl can read in a day without going bonkers ;-)