Friday, February 5, 2010

Bitten by the Bromeliad Bug, Again

Apparently, February is Bromeliad month in these parts. After not seeing any in the stores for a long time, suddenly they are everywhere I look. As I posted recently, I found a Vriesea splendens at the supermarket. Then, just this past Monday I acquired a Neoregelia 'Zoe' at a nursery houseplant sale. Now today at Home Depot, they had Aechmea fasciata, as well as Vriesea, Tillandsia, and Guzmania varieties. I left the Aechmeas alone (I don't have a spot for a plant that size right now--besides, they scare me a bit.) But I did buy myself a Guzmania, which I have failed with before, and my first ever Tillandsia cyanea.

Guzmania 'Tempo'

Tillandsia cyanea

So now I'm wondering what they have at the other nurseries and box stores around here. I think I need help.

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