Well, I collected some seeds from that plant last fall. They produced several seedlings, only one of which I managed to plant in my garden (or so I thought).
The result was this:

As far as I can tell, this is only one plant with two different colored flowers, though it is remotely possible that there were actually two seedlings that came up too close together to notice (or separate) when I was planting them. While I would find the former really cool, (and really surprising) if there are indeed two plants here, the all seeds still all came from the one blue-flowered original. Asters are much beloved by bees and butterflies, so I'm sure that open-pollination contributed some genetic diversity to my plants.
At any rate, I'm going to collect seeds again this year, from the original plant, and from the both the blue and pink flowers here, and see what happens.
Very pretty. I had a volunteer New England aster come up in my parents' garden in Michigan this year and at first I had no idea what it might be. We let it grow, though, and it has flourished, rewarding us a with an impressive show of pale purple flowers when most other plants in that part of the garden were well past their prime.
What a beautiful surprise! I love what nature can do! Amazing.
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