So today, we had to have Jenny, our remaining golden retriever, put to sleep. She outlived her littermate/sister,
Laces, by five months. She suffered a stroke a month and half ago, and recovered reasonably well, until she had some sort of episode last night, which left her extremely confused, panicky, and near collapse. At 13 and a half years old, it was clear that her quality of life was not going to improve, and that it was time to say goodbye.
Jenny, in January. She was in power shedding mode here, full of life, and full of fur.
Jenny, a few years ago, examining the first Phalaenopsis I ever rebloomed. This picture is blurry and low-res, but it is still one of my favorites.Jenny was a very different dog from her sister. Frankly, she was kind of dumb, kind of pushy, more than a little neurotic. But she was cute, and lovable in her own way, and I'll miss her. Life among the leaves won't be the same without her.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. :(
Oh. Ouch. I'm very sorry.
Sorry. It's so hard to let them go. :(
Oh, no...that's really sad. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
I am terribly sorry about your loss. Dogs are very precious and add so much to our lives. I wish they stayed with us longer.
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words.
My sympathies, Karen. Losing a pet must be horrible.
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