Now, if I'm smart, I'll put a label in the plants so I'll know what's what from now on.
Foxy, my rather brutally pruned Asparagus meyersii, has put out another new "frond." I think I'll declare this experiment a success.

I wrote on January 27 that I would post a picture of my Sansevieria gracilis/ballyii/whatever flowers when the buds opened. Well, some of them opened and closed and fell off before I remembered to take a picture, but here is the bloom stalk with at least some open flowers.
From that same post, I noted that my Sinningia speciosa was re-sprouting , and posted pictures of its tiny new leaves. Here they are today:
Those Sans flowers are so amazing!
I wish I remembered to bring in those Asparagus ferns at the end of the season. I always just toss them and see that many others do too.
Maybe I'll just prune them back like you did to conserve some space.
MrBrownThumb: They can be touchy indoors, more so if they were previously acclimated to the outdoors. If they get too warm or too dry, they will drop a lot of needles.
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