Here are some other little quirks that I have:
I am generally very good at houseplant identification. I am usually able to tell to which genus an unfamiliar plant belongs without much difficulty. However, I am both cactus and palm blind. With the exception of certain very distinct groups (Astrophytum, Opuntia and occasionally Mammillaria) I can't seem to learn how to tell one cactus genus from another. I can recognize Rhapis and Caryota, but I can't tell one fan palm genus from another, and get totally, completely confused by all of the narrow-leaflet palms.
I like to think of myself as pretty smart. I am definitely pro-science, and I refuse to fall back on common names, but I do find myself annoyed and frustrated by plants with complicated taxonomy. An example would be Haworthias, which often have not only a genus and species, but a subspecies and a variety name as well. Orchids are, of course, the champions of complicated nomenclature.

Somewhat related to the above: No matter how hard I try to retain them, I always lose plant tags. I have a good memory in general, and 99% of the time, I don't need a tag to remember the names of my plants. I tend to dislike how tags look sticking up out of my pots. But when I need a tag, I really need one. Like for the Haworthias and Orchids. I've gotten to the point where I am content, most of the time, to just know what genus I have. I'm particularly happy if I know the species. Subspecies be damned!

And there is one time when I actually enjoy not knowing which plant is which. I have eighteen Hippeastrums (popularly known as Amaryllis) and I've lost the tags for most of them (some never had tags--I've bought a few NoIds at a discount on eBay.) So whenever I get a bloom stalk, I have no idea what color flower I'm going to get until they are about to open. I generally regard this as a nice surprise.
Wow, I just love the Aglaonema 'Cory'. I've never seen it before; just lovely.
Don't sweat over the cactus and succulent ID's -- sometimes even the experts have trouble telling them apart.
If you want an ID for a cactus or other succulent, check out and post a pic in the identification section of the forum.
Thanks, Water Roots.
Celtic Rose, I don't sweat over IDs really; I just find it odd that I seem to have blind spots when it comes to cactus and palms. I only have one cactus of my own that I haven't been able to get ID'd. I just call it "that tall thin one", and am happy enough.
I've tried studying pictures and I just don't see what the defining characteristics are. Just like some people can't see the differences between pothos and heart-leaf philodendrons, even though those differences are obvious to others. I don't expect to be able to tell the exact species at a glance, I'd just like to be able to tell one cactus or palm genus from another.
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